
Showing posts from September, 2022

My First Night with my Girlfriend First Period In Front Of My Crush

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I (24f) finally figured out the reason why I have such a low sex drive: it’s because I’m a lesbian

  So, first of all, I grew up in a religious household, in a community that wasn’t very tolerant, so gayness was always something that “happened to other people” in my mind, which I think is true for a lot of people. The possibility that I was a lesbian is not something that ever crossed my mind Growing up, I avoided intimate relationships (partially because of the religious household thing). I was only interested in sex in theory (I’d read about it in books/movies, etc), and sometimes I would even flirt with guys, but when it seemed like a guy might actually try to ask me out, I’d panic and back away The first time I had sex was when I went to college. I was drunk, which got me out of my head enough that I could go through the motions, despite not being very into it. During it, I remember thinking “finally, I’m doing what normal girls do” rather than actually focusing on the sex that I was having Afterwards, I just decided that maybe I wasn’t a very sexual person, but I also decided t

when a girl says she’s about to cum you have to KEEP doing exactly what you’re doing ?

N othing frustrates me more than when im about to orgasm and the guy starts jackhammering or slowing down to a stop or worse, ending penetration altogether to suck my clit. when the latter happened to me i actually yelled at him. It’s almost like they automatically think they need to stall my orgasm like we stall theirs. if that’s not it, why do you guys do that? thoughts? Whoa this kinda blew up didn’t it? here’s what i’ve learned from the comments: saying “i’m gonna cum” is hot and makes men cum so they try to avoid it so they don’t ruin it for us and end up ruining it anyway. so it’s best to just say don’t stop or not say anything at all, or give clear instructions Next: Beat the PE New Method

Beat the PE New Method

  My t his post is going to be a rehash of several methods many will already be familiar with, with my own perspective and tips and tricks thrown in. I want to avoid being over prescriptive, what I did won't work for everyone. There are several reasons why men struggle with PE, it may be due to hormone imbalance, anxiety issues or as I estimate to be the most common, poor masturbation habits. Though it can also be a combination of problems compounding on each other; poor performance once can often lead to added anxiety in subsequent sexual encounters. So first off a profile: I'm a 24 year old guy, been masturbating for years and sexually active since I was 19, uncircumcised. The main reason I suffered from PE was poor masturbation habits, treating being horny like a distraction and masturbating just to get it over with. I was bad, really bad. I've climaxed several times during foreplay alone. One time with my ex-boyfriend (I'm a gay man), I came before I even finished g